What this course does exactly is changing a big part of the personality and letting you be prepared for Success! And help you to overcome toxic self- Criticism and boost self-confidence. How? Our consultant will help you to understand that you have faith in your judgment and skills and that you respect and feel deserving of yourself, regardless of any flaws or what others should think of you, and gain a sense of self-efficacy

  • Category: Training Courses
  • Service Duration: 12:00 Hours
  • Address: Dubai - United Arab Emirates (Map)
  • Price:$999



  1. What is self-confidence and how to gain it.
  2. Self-awareness development.
  3. Learn different cultures of assertiveness.
  4. Recognizing your strength.
  5. Use your voice and communicate with confidence.
  6. How to refuse politely.
  7. Know self-esteem – assertiveness – self confidences differences.

All training services prices include training for up to 20 individuals, each additional attendance will be charged by 10% of the training investment value.

All training courses are provided to organizations, companies, schools, institutes, and universities. No individual training services unless it's for high positions holders in subjects that affect their leadership and management to the organization and the employees.